You don’t have to preserve your pain in order to prove that it was real.

Brittany Burgunder

Therapy Intensives

For some clients, the more “traditional” one hour session once a week doesn’t fit for them or their goals. This could be due to logistics around work, issues with childcare, or a myraid of other reasons. This is where the idea of “therapy intensives” can be used to aid clients meet their goals, often in one sitting, due to the efficiency of having a larger block of time.

I utilize EMDR therapy, among other theraputic interventions with clients in this format. Additionaly, these intensives are only offered in person.

Clients who would like to engage in this type of therapy will need an intake and possibly a “preperation” session before the larger time of the intensive. If you are a current client with me already, this can be bypassed.

Cost is dependant on the length of the intensive, with is based off of a client’s goals and needs. All blocked times will have breaks and structure will be discussed before starting. Below are examples and times can be altered based off of need.

3 hr block$390

4 hr block—$515

6 hr block$750


How do I know this would be a good fit for me and my needs?

Intensives can be a great fit for those who have a specific goal in mind around trauma history, attachment or relationship concerns, or other stressors. Also, those who are unable to come to therapy on a weekly basis due to scheduling conflicts with work, school, or childcare.

Is there anyone this isn’t approprate for?

Intensives aren’t the best fit if you are actively engaging in self-harm, addictive behaviors, eating disorders, or are experiencing suicidal ideation.

How cost effective are intensives?

Intensives can help save money in the long run for clients as having therapy in a larger block of time can be more efficient than 1-hr long weekly sessions.

Can I use insurance for intensives?

As intensives are a non-traditional form of therapy due to its longer time, insurance does not cover the expense. However, many FSA/HSA type cards can be used. You will need to check those benifits to confirm your plan will cover the cost.

Have more questions? You can check out my general FAQ page or contact me to learn more.

FAQ about Intensives

“Do or do not, there is no try”
