“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t”
John Green, Turtles all the Way Down
Complex Trauma
Whether it be from something you directly experienced or experienced secondarily through your job, healing and change is possible. I see my role as a therapist is to foster a space of safety so healing can occur.
Chronic Pain & Illness
Living with chronic health issues can often mean living with mental health concerns. There is hope to live a full life with the help of counseling, learning how you approach your chronic pain or illness differently, & much more.
Helping Professionals
Working as a “helper” can be fulfilling work and can also come with a special set of stressors. Having a safe space to process these things is a crucial aspect of taking care of yourself and doing your job well.
High Masking Neurodivergence
Have you felt “different” for most of your life, only to discover in adulthood that you’re neurodivergent? Therapy can help you process this realization, explore your self-concept, and develop coping skills that actually help you thrive as your most authentic self.