“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.”
—Nido Qubein
Book List
Books can be a great resource to help us meet our mental health goals. This list is just a start!
General Mental Health
How to do the Work: Great book to help you focus on multiple goals like trauma work, unhealthy family relationships, codependency, etc
The Four Agreements: Toltec Wisdom on general wellbeing and personal freedom
Gifts of Imperfection: Addresses shame, prefectionism, and expections that negatively impacts mental health
PTSD, Trauma & Anxiety
The Body Keeps the Score: Foundational work for trauma recovery and how trauma impacts the body
Trauma Stewardship: Recovery from burnout for helping professionals
Age of Overwhelm: Focus on anxiety and bunout
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: Recovery from growing up in that environment
When the Body Says No: Stress/trauma and disease connection
In an Unspoken Voice: How the body releases trauma/impact on on body
Mindfulness & Meditation
Full Catastrophe Living: Mindfullness tools to approach anxiety, pain, etc
You Are Not Your Pain: Using Mindfulness to Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress, and Restore Well-Being
Whereever you go, There you are: Classic book on meditation in everyday life
Relationships and Boundaries
Attached: Adult attachment identification and how it impacts relationships
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: Guide for boundarie setting (workbook linked below)
Women Who Love Too Much: focus on codependency and unhealthly relationships
Group Resources:
This is a great list of groups happening both virtually and in person in Tennessee. Most in-person groups are in the Middle-TN area.