“Understanding why people suffer, how they change, and how to help them live satisfying lives is a fascinating and important undertaking.”


Clinical Supervision

I believe it is an important decision in your clinical growth to choose a supervisior that is a good fit for you. This can be with modality, personality, specalities, clinical perspective, as well as logistics. After you read through the page, feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

My Background and Perspective

While you can find information regarding my specialties on another section of my website, I would like to provide additional insight to help determine if we are a compatible fit. In addition to my areas of expertise, I have a background in mood disorders, codependency and relationship concerns, as well as neurodivergent populations and addiction. My professional experience encompasses a range of settings, including inpatient, residential, and various outpatient contexts.

As an integrative clinician, I employ a comprehensive approach when working with both clients and supervisees. Alongside the primary methods outlined here, I incorporate apects of family systems work, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), somatic therapies, and other modalities.

For me, supervision represents an opportunity to combine my passion for education with my enthusiasm for working alongside healthcare providers. In addition to guiding new clinicians with their clients, I emphasize the significance of self-care, boundary-setting, and navigating personal backgrounds, while balancing the responsibilities of caring for others.

Costs and Settings

Depending on the needs of current supervisees, I am open to both inperson and online supervision. Below are the costs depending on the size of the group during the meetings. Individual and Triad meeting are 1 hour unless and group meetings are 2 hours unless otherwise discussed. If cost makes supervision prohibitive, please contact me and I can see what might be worked out for you.

Individual: $100

Triad : $75

Group (2 hours): $75


I believe setting expectations in the supervision relationship is important part of this process. Not just of what I expect of those I work with, but what they can also expect from me. I outline this in the contract I utilize with clients and can be discussed before start of the supervision relationship.